The medical teaching hospitals attached to the college facilitate both the UG (BDS third year) and PG students to learn their medical clinical subjects. The college also is attached with Government hospital (K C General Hospital) located within a distance of 8 kms having bed strength of more than 400 for in-patients. In addition, the hospital in the college campus has the capacity for 120 beds in-patients and many facilities.
- 24 Hours open for all medical treatment
- Out Patient / In-Patient Department in the following specialities
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Orthopaedics
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Paediatrics
- Pathology
- 24 Hours Pharama
- Casuality
- 120 Beds capacity
- Materinity Ward
- Pediatric Ward
- Intensive Care Unit with 10 beds
- Medical Laboratoy for various tests
- 3 Major Operation Theartres
- Delex Rooms & Private Ward (A/c & Non A/C)