Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences & Hospital
All government seats are provided with concessional fee. Students admitted under the reservation category for SC / ST / OBC can seek scholarship for the fee payable to the insitution from the State Government, subject to their eligibility as notified by the State Government from time to time.
Eligible candidates admitted to the course are required to apply online in website provided by the State Government of Karnataka for ePASS (Electronic Payment and Application System of Scholarships
Students shall submit the scholarship sanctioned details for updating their accounts by the college for the fees adjustment or refund. Scholarship Sanctioned Details Entry Form
Application to the College: The scholorship received by the institution will be adjusted to the college fees and excess of amount if any will be refunded to the candidates as required by the authroity granding the scholarship or as per the case may be. Such students shall verify the status of their refundable amount after the fee adjustment here. Apply for the Scholarship amount refundable from the college.
Institutional Scholarship: The candidates alloted in the NRI / Others Quota and limited Private Quota can apply for the institutional scholarship along with the confirmation of admission by the KEA at this college.

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